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Dept of Electrical Engineering
& Computer Science
Gunnar Gotshalks
email address

Last updated: 2020 July 7
       York logo

"Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty" — Mark Twain
"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." — Derek Bek

Research interests are in software engineering, primarily in the design and production of software development tools for individuals and small teams of people. An on-going project is the development of FlexOr Technology based on Knuth's literate programming and Gotshalks' idea of programming through the adaptation of program source text (FlexOr frames).

On Ethics

CIPS — Canadian Information Processing Society — L'association canadiene de l'informatique.
             You can find its code of ethics and professional conduct here.

ACM Computing & public policy. Links to


Education and Employment Great Rules for Writing Psalm for computer science students Examples of pitfalls in numeric computation

Explore the Mandelbrot Explore Julia sets z^2+c Explore Julia sets c*sin(z) Explore Julia sets sin(z)+c
