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1999 Technical Reports

Multi-Robot Collaboration for Robust Exploration

Yiannis Rekleitis, Greg Dudek and Evangelos Milios

Technical Report CS-1999-10

York University

June 30, 1999


This report presents a new sensing modality for multirobot exploration. The approach is based on using a pair of robots that observe each other's behavior, acting in concert to reduce odometry errors. We assume the robots can both directly sense nearby obstacles and see each other. The proposed approach improves the quality of the map by reducing the inaccuracies that occur over time from dead reckoning errors. Furthermore, by exploiting the ability of the robots to see each other, we can detect opaque obstacles in the environment independently of their surface reflectance properties. Two different algorithms, based on the size of the environment, are introduced, with a complexity analysis, and experimental results in simulation and with real robots.

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