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1998 Technical Reports

A Basic Formal Equational Predicate Logic

George Tourlakis

Technical Report CS-1998-09

York University

November 25, 1998


We present the details of a formalization of Equational Predicate Logic based on a propositional version of the Leibniz rule (PSL - propositional strong Leibniz, EQN (equanimity) and TR (transitivity). All the above are "strong", i.e. they are applicable to arbitrary premises (not just absolute theorems).

It is shown that a strong no-capture Leibniz (SLCS - strong Leibniz with contextual substitution), and a weak full-capture version (WLUS - weak Leibniz with uniform substitution) are derived rules. "Weak" means that the rule is only applicable to absolutely deducible premises. We also derive general rules MON (monotonicity) and AMON (anti-monotonicity) which allow us to calculate appropriate conclusions |- C[p\A] => C[p\B] or |- C[p\A] <= C[p\B] from the assumption |- A => B.

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