EECS 1022 3.0 - Section A
Programming for Mobile Computing
Fall 2021

Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science,
York University

The course materials and course announcements for EECS 1022 - Section A will be posted on the York eClass website

The first lecture will be on Friday, September 10, 2021. All course lectures will be online see the course page on eClass for the Zoom meeting ID information.

There is no lab during the first week, week of September 6, 2021, but you are expected to obtain the textbook (see below) book website.

Course Description

This course provides a first exposure to object-oriented programming and enhances student understanding of key computing skills such as reasoning about algorithms, designing user interfaces, and working with software tools. It uses problem-based approach to expose the underlying concepts and an experiential laboratory to implement them. A mature mobile software infrastructure (such as Java and the Android programming environment) is used to expose and provide context to the underlying ideas. Laboratory exercises expose students to a range of real-world problems with a view of motivating computational thinking and grounding the material covered in lectures. The lectures (two hours weekly) are supplemented by a three-hour weekly lab.

Object-Oriented Programming

Mobile Computing

Prerequisites: LE/EECS1012 3.00 or LE/EECS1015 3.00

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:


Dr. Mufleh Al-Shatnawi
Email: mufleh "at"

Online Lectures

Every Friday from 14:30 to 16:30. Visit York eClass website

The first lecture will be onFriday, September 10, 2021. All course lectures will be online see the course page on eClass for the Zoom meeting ID information.


Instructor Office Hours

by appointments (email me)


Roumani, H., Introduction to Computer Science with Android, Second Edition with the CS Trail, CompuScope Consulting, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-7751254-1-9.
book website.

The textbook is required. The book’s page on Amazon now shows two formats, "paperback" and "kindle", and students can buy either from the same page Now you have access to the latest version of the textbook that you can use to develop APP for lab 6, 7 and 8 assignments and guides you through their development in its "Doing" chapters. Also, the book is available the York bookstore and is on reserve in Steacie Library.

This textbook covers course topics and contains the requirement of the lab apps 6, 7 and 8 assignments and guides you through their development in its "Doing" chapters.

You are expected to do the Zero App (Chapter 0-Doing) and to read Chapter 0-Learning on your own by Monday, October 18, 2021 at the latest. Chapter 0 is available for download on the book website.

There is a series of video clips on the textbook website (the "Walkthrough") that walks you through the entire app development process and applies this process to develop the D1 app. It is highly recommended that you watch these clips during the week6, week of October 18, 2021 of the term.

Evaluation Scheme

Labs (8* 2.5%) Check Course Calendar at eClass Site

For Lab 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, you will be graded not only by JUnit tests given to you but also additional tests covering some other input values. This is to encourage you to take more responsibility for the correctness of your code by writing your tests. Your lab submission will not be graded manually

For Lab 6, 7, and 8, students will develop Mobile Apps using the Android Studio IDE. The lab grade (2.5%) is divided into two parts demo your app with TA (1%) and submitting the Apps files with your implementation according to the textbook requirement (1.5%).

There will be a 20% penalty on your lab final grade if your submitted code does not compile due to minor compilation errors, given that TAs can fix these minor compilation errors. You will receive a zero if your code contains major compilation errors that TAs can not fix.

Quizzes (4 @ 2.5% each)

Quiz1 will open on Thursday, September 23, 2021, at 2:00 PM EST

Quiz2 will open on Thursday, October 7, 2021, at 2:00 PM EST

Quiz3 will open on Thursday, November 4, 2021, at 2:00 PM EST

Quiz4 will open on Thursday, November 18, 2021, at 2:00 PM EST

Test 1

Test1 will open on Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 2:00 PM EST

Test 2

Test2 will open on Thursday, November 25, 2021, at 2:00 PM EST

Final Exam(TBA)      30%
Total 100%

All Quizzes, Tests and Final exam are held online using course eClass, and all will be submitted electronically.

There are 8 labs in the course. There will be no shifting of grade weights for labs.

Tentative Schedule

Note: All course lectures will be online see the course page on eClass for the Zoom meeting ID information.

Lecture will be every Friday from 14:30 to 16:30, and the first lecture will be on Friday, September 10, 2021.

Visit York eClass website for Tentative Weekly Lecture Topics


Lecture Slides

The course lecture slides and recorded videos will be posted on the Course eClass website


Academic Honesty

During tests and exams, students are expected to work individually, and only access permitted resources. Communicating with others during the test, using aids that are not permitted, and impersonation are all examples of academically dishonest behaviour.

Student are expected to read the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty. See also the EECS Department Academic Honesty Guidelines.

Programming Environment

EECS Remote Lab

The EECS Remote Lab service allows you to connect to EECS lab workstations from within your web browser. The workstation's desktop is displayed within the browser window and you can run any software available on the workstation as if you were there.

If you don't already have one, you will need to generate an EECS account before using remotelab by visiting: It takes about 40 minutes for the EECS account to get created, and then you can login to remotelab. You must be enrolled in EECS 1022 for this to work (if you just enrolled in the course, it will take one day for the enrollment data to be uploaded to EECS systems).

Once you have an EECS account, you can use the remotelab service. Go to, login, and select Linux Remote Desktop (EDU), and then any of the WSC workstations listed. You will be logged in as "user" and can work as if in the lab.

This uses Apache Guacamole; see this link for documentation. To cut-and-paste between your desktop and the remote desktop, open the Guacamole menu by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift and paste into the clipboard there.

To run Android Studio on the lab workstation, select it under development apps. There are two predefined projects there that you can run. Also preinstalled are two virtual devices that you can run apps on, a Nexus 9 API 29 tablet and a Pixel 3a XL API 29 phone.

Notice on the Platforms Used

Several platforms will be used in this course (e.g., eClass, Zoom, Echo360, etc.) through which students will interact with the course materials, the course director / TA, as well as with one another.

Students shall note the following:

Technology requirements and FAQs for eClass can be found here .
