Introduction to Database Systems

York University
Fall 2016
Project #3:
SQL Jeopardy:
Querying the Raccoon-Rhapsody Database

In this project, you will work with an existing database, the Raccoon Rhapsody Database (RR-DB). This is a continuation of the schema that you all have worked with in the first two projects. The Quest marketing team did it again; Raccoon Rhapsody is the name of our game for market.

Each will install his or her own private copy of the database on which to work. For SQL Jeopardy, you are to implement a number of SQL queries over the RR-DB. The project is 10% of the total grade.

There are ten queries that you are to write. Each is worth one point for a total of ten points for Project #3. I am the manager and I provide you for each one with English specifications in the form of a statement, which you will turn into a question — an SQL query against the RR-DB, actually — like in the game show Jeopardy.

Each query is given a name for bookkeeping. Also, the answer table for each is provided. This is so you can check whether you have likely implemented the SQL query correctly by seeing whether you get the same result when run in DB2 on the RR-DB. (Note that, however, this is not proof that your query is entirely correct. A logically incorrect query with respect to the requirements would give the wrong answers on some instance of the database. And one might have cheated by making a simple query on purpose that manages to print the same results on this instance of the database!) Grading per query is all-or-nothing. Either your query (always) produces the right results, or it does not. (I likely will test the queries for grading against a different instance of the databases.)

The queries below are arranged roughly in order of increasing difficulty. The ones at the beginning are straightforward, while the ones towards the end are difficult. Do not get too discouraged if you are unable to do the final few.

Honesty: For projects, you are permitted to confer with others, seek advice, and (to a reasonable extent) help. However, remember that copying someone else's queries and claiming them as your own work is plagiarism. You must do your own work.

  The Raccoon-Rhapsody Database

Two scripts are provided:

The script rrdb-create will create the RR-DB schema for you. and will also populate the tables with the mock data. The script rrdb-drop is provided for convenience. It will drop your copy of RR-DB from your DB2 schema space. If you mess things up, you can always drop RR-DB and then re-create it easily.

To create the RR-DB in your DB2 schema space:

  • % db2 -tf rrdb-create

Read the schema definition in rrdb-create for RR-DB to understand the design and what the RR-DB is about. You will notice that it is an extension of the Quest database schema that you worked with in the first two projects, with minor modifications.

Players can earn loot for the quests that they participate in that are successfully completed. Each piece of loot is a type of treasure. Each type of treasure has a value associated with it in the game's in-world currency — commonly called “scrip” in gaming parlance. Our in-world currency officially is sql for Standard Quest Loonie. (Players can turn in pieces of loot they have received for the sql, or keep the loot. The pieces have uses in the game. This is not modelled so far in the database.)

  The Queries
1. avies

Players by login and name along with their avatars by name as avatar and race.

schema: login, name, avatar, race

order by login, name, avatar

answer table for avies

2. golden

Each quest by realm, day, and theme which offered a prize (treasure) with “Gold” in the name which was rewarded to some player.

schema: realm, day, theme

order by day, realm, theme

answer table for golden

3. twotimer

Each player by login and name who managed to participate in more than one quest on the same day along with those quests by day, realm, and theme.

schema: login, name, day, realm, theme

order by login, name, day, realm, theme

answer table for avies

4. sole

Each realm (by realm) with each treasure (by treasure) along with that treasure's value in scrip (as sql) that only that realm has ever offered as loot via some quest in that realm.

schema: realm, treasure, sql

order by realm asc, sql desc, treasure asc

answer table for sole

5. seconds

Each player by login, name, and address with the total number of seconds that he or she has played in quests (seconds).

  • Assume that all quests start at 6pm (18:00) on their day and continue to their completion time (succeeded) or end at midnight if unsuccessful (succeeded is null). Assume all times here and in the database are in the Toronto timezone.
  • Assume a player in a quest had to sign up before 6pm on the day of the quest, and is assumed to have participated from 18:00 to the end of the quest.
  • Only count players who have participated in some quest.

schema: login, name, address, seconds

order by login, name, address

answer table for seconds (fixed)

6. swap

Each player by login, name, and gender who entirely gender swapped with their avatars, along with the count of how many avatars that he or she has (#avatar).

  • Gender swapped is when the player and avatar are opposite genders. Entirely gender swapped is when all the person's avatars are the opposite gender to him- or herself. E.g., a woman with all male (‘M’) avatars.
  • Report only for players who have some avatars.

schema: login, name, gender, #avatar

order by login, name, gender

answer table for swap

7. toppers

Each realm and gender (of avatar) with the race whose avatars of that gender earned the most scrip (sql) collectively from loot rewarded in quests in that realm, along with the what that race and gender collectively earned in quests in the realm (total).

  • In case of ties for most in a region, list all that tied.

schema: realm, gender, race, total

order by realm, gender, race

answer table for toppers (fixed)

8. potential

For each avatar by login, avatar's name, and race, the scrip (sql) that the avatar would have earned (earned) if the avatar had been rewarded the prize (loot) of highest value (and just that prize, one piece of loot) for each quest that the avatar participated in that was successfully completed, and how many successful quests the avatar has participated in (#quest).

  • In case of an avatar that did not participate in any successful quest, list zero for both earned and #quest.
  • In case of ties for prize of highest value in a successful quest, consider that the avatar would only receive one.

schema: login, name, race, earned, #quest

order by login, name

answer table for potential

9. themestat

Each realm's theme by realm and theme with how many quests of that theme in the realm have occurred (#quest), how many distinct players have participated (Actor) as #player, the number of distinct avatars that have particpated as #avatar, how many “actors” have participated in total over quests of that theme in that region as #actor (that is, the sum of participant counts over the quests), the total scrip (sql) offered as offered, and the total scrip (sql) rewarded to players as #rewarded.

  • Note that quests are grouped in recurring themes within a realm. For example, the theme of "Airport Chaos" was used for quests in the realm ‘Buffalo’ on days ‘08/06/2016’, ‘08/14/2016’, ‘08/21/2016’, ‘08/27/2016’, ‘09/04/2016’, ‘09/11/2016’, ‘10/16/2016’, and ‘10/23/2016’.

schema: realm, theme, #quest, #player, #avatar, #actor, offered, rewarded

order by realm, theme

answer table for themestat

10. follows

Each avatar by login as follower and avatar's name as fname whose particpation in quests within a given realm (as realm) has always been together with a second avatar by login as leader and name as lname who has participated in the same quests, such that the follower (and hence, leader, too) has been on at least two quests in the realm.

  • Note that the leader may have participated in more quests in the realm than the follower.

schema: follower, fname, realm, leader, lname

order by follower, realm, leader

answer table for follows


Due by 11:59pm Friday 2 December 2016.

For each query, write your query in a file with the corresponding name as above (avies, golden, twotimer, sole, seconds, swap, toppers, potential, themestat, and follows).

Do not include the answers generated by each of your queries. We will be testing your queries ourselves for grading your project.

When you are finished, use the submit command to turn in your work.

% submit 3421 rrdb avie golden twotimer sole seconds swap toppers potential themestat follows

Should you not do some of the queries, just leave those files out.

Note to get credit for each query, it must produce the same number of columns with the same names as in the description, and the correct answer tuples.

You do not have to turn in a hardcopy of this project.

  Hints & DB2 Comments
with clause

One may have more tables in the with clause, if need be:

		first (...) as
		second (...) as
		third (...) as
	select ...

Note that you can use the (temporary) view first inside the definition for second, and the views first and second inside the definition for third, and so forth.

DB2 is picky about nested SELECTS always being named via AS. For example,

	select ...
		from (select ...) as A,
			 (select ...) as B,

Even if you do not need the alias names A or B later on, give the sub-queries (nested SELECTS) names anyway. Otherwise, DB2 will complain.