Introduction to Database Systems

York University
Fall 2015
Project #4
The Update App:
Project Robin Hood

In this project, you will write an update “program” in SQL/PL to update the Raccoon-Rhapsody Database (RR-DB) to avert a player crisis.

  The Raccoon-Rhapsody Database

The database is the very same Raccoon Rhapsody database from Project #3. The same two scripts are provided here for convenience:

  Crisis Meeting

Dr. Mark Dogfurry calls you in for an emergency meeting.

Dr. Dogfurry: “We have a crisis. Some players are irate that they sometimes receive no prize when they have participated in a successful quest. For discussion, let's call a piece of loot rewarded to a player in a quest a ‘prize’.”

You: “I think I have an easy solution. Why don't we add enough additional prizes (loot) retroactively — to past — quests so that we can assign the additional prizes to those players who did not receive anything?”

“Yes, that is what I first thought too, but Corporate is refusing to allow us to add any more prizes. They think that virtual prizes are actually worth real money! So unfortunately, that won't work.”

“Instead, let's do the following. We'll take prizes from players who received more than one prize in a quest, and reassign those prizes to players who got none. That way, everyone will have gotten something. I call this ‘Project Robin Hood’. We take from the rich players and give to the poor players! It might make some players mad to have prizes taken away from them … but what can you do?”

“Will that always work? What if there are too many players in a given quest who got nothing to redistribute so everyone has at least one prize?”

“Hmm. You're right. Well, we may not always be able to give everyone a prize in every case. But we can come as close as possible. I suggest the following strategy.”

  1. “For each quest, identify an actor — a player who participated in the quest — who has more than one prize (if there is any). Call this actor the ‘donor’.”

  2. “For each quest with a donor, pick one of the prizes he or she had received. Call this prize the ‘donation’.”

  3. “For each quest, pick a player who received nothing (if there is any). Call this player the ‘recipient’.”

  4. “Finally, for each quest with both a donor and a recipient, reassign the donation prize from the donor player to the recipient player!”

“That … sounds complicated to implement!”

“That's why we pay you the big money, a crack database programmer!”

“Oh, and that strategy even will not always work. A quest might have more than one potential donor and recipient. Your strategy will fix things for just one recipient per quest.”

“Hmm, true. After we do 1–4, there still might be donors and recipients in quests… Ah, I have a solution. We just repeat 1–4 until no prize-swap possibilities remain! Then we will have fixed things as best we can.”

“Yes, I think you're right. That would work. But how to do all this?! There are lots of details!”

“First, who should we pick as the donor? There might be more than one player per quest who could be the donor!”

“Let's do this. We pick the player who got the most prizes from the quest. If there is a tie, well, we'll chose the one whose prizes add up to the most scrip (sql) in the tie. Oh, and if there is still a tie, we'll just choose the ‘login’ of the ones in the tie at the bottom of the list. (Okay this last one is not so fair, but should rarely occur.) That's pretty easy to implement … in fact, this query ought to be what I mean: Q-Donor.”

“And for which prize of the donor — the donation — that we should take away … well, let's pick the one that is worth the least scrip. In case of ties, let's pick the one in the tie for which the treasure name is at the bottom of the list. Hmm … there still could sometimes remain a tie, because a quest can offer the same prize multiple times (distinguished by ‘loot#’). Well, in case of still a tie, we pick the highest loot# in the tie. Let's see, we can extend our earlier query for this: Q-Donation.”

You breathe a big sigh of relief after reading the queries. “Yes, I see. That looks right.”

“And to find per quest someone who did not receive a prize, that's easy enough! Ah … in case of more than one per quest, well, let's just choose the one with the login at the top of the list. This should do it: Q-Recipient.”

“Oh, wait! We might have a problem. What if we take a prize from a donor and give it to the recipient … then the donor might have no prize, so becomes a potential recipient. And the recipient is now a potential donor. When we loop, we might just swap prizes back and forth forever! Our procedure would not terminate.”

You think carefully about it. “No, we're safe. There are three classes of people per quest: donors, who have two or more prizes; ‘singletons’, who have exactly one prize; and ‘recipients’, who have no prize. Our procedure can turn donors into singletons, and recipients into singletons. But it never turns singeltons into anything else. So donors cannot become recipients, nor vice versa. Therefore, our procedure will terminate!”

“Whew! Good reasoning! Well, off with you then. What you'll need to do is join Q-Donation and Q-Recipient. Only for quests that have both a donor and a recipient can you reassign the donation prize from the donor actor to the recipient actor. That would be an update to the Loot table on ‘login’, setting the loot tuple for the donation prize to the recipient (away from the donor). And then just loop, until no possible swaps remain.”

“Good! Off with you to implement Project Robin Hood!”


“Wait … I'm not certain how to do loops and such. Should I do this in JDBC or something?”

“Ah, right. You're new. No, don't use JDBC or anything for this. A little SQL/PL should work fine. Let's see … here is a template, U-Template:”

--#set delimiter !

begin atomic
declare changed_ smallint default 1;

while changed_ <> 0 do
    set changed_ = 0;

    for S as
        query statement that finds quests, “swaps”, with a donor/donation & recipient pair

        update that fixes Loot with the swap ‘S’;

        set changed_ = 1;

    end for;
    -- handle each swap

end while;
-- loop until no changes remain to be done

-- we're done

“Okay, I think I see. So each tuple ‘S’ of the query statement — nickname this query ‘swap’ — should contain, say, day, realm, and theme identifying the quest, loot# and treasure identifying the donation prize (loot), and login as recepient identifying the new player the donation is to be re-rewared to. Then, the update statement updates the loot tuple corresponding to the day, realm, theme loot#, and treasure of the ‘S’, resetting login to recipient.”


“How do I run the SQL/PL ‘app’ once I have written it?”

“Notice the second statement delimiter ‘!’ in the template. That is needed since you have transaction blocks with multiple statements in them. Say you call your app ‘steal’. It is run from the command line as”

db2 -td! -f steal

“How can I test my updater app ‘steal’?”

“Well, test the components of the query incrementally, as you did for queries in Project #3.”

“Check the total scrip (sql) awarded before the Loot table is updated and after is the same: 582,428. Afterall, you are just reassigning prizes. This should not change. The query is simple: Q-TotalSQL.”

“For testing purposes, you might want to write the app ‘steal-once’ first, which is the app just without the while-loop. Then you could run ‘steal-once’ over and over, checking the changes to the database each time make sense. The template for this: U-TemplateOnce. The query Q-recipient will show you how the pool of recipients is shrinking each time, given things are implemented correctly. Likewise, your query ‘swap’ (as a stand-alone) would show you the potential swaps remaining at each step.”

“Looking at the number of prizes assigned each actor per quest before and after is a good idea too. This query shows that: Q-Prize. The answer table it returns before changes: A1-Prize. The answer table it returns after changes: A2-Prize.”

“Great! Do I need to worry with unsuccessful quests?”

“No. Notice you only reassign rewarded prizes from one player to another. In any case that prizes were not rewarded, no reassignments will occur. Which is according to plan.”


Submit your SQL/PL app as the file steal.

% submit 3421 app steal

Due by 11:59pm Monday 5 December 2016.
(No late penality if submitted up to 48 hours after that.)