CSE3431 3.0 A: Introduction to 3D Computer Graphics
Fall term, 2015



Instructor: John Amanatides
Lectures: WF 1-2:30, Petrie 321
Office hours: W12-1 and 2:30-3:30, BC 207D


Angel and Shreiner, "Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with WebGL (7th Edition)", Pearson, 2015

Brief Overview

This course introduces the fundamental concepts and algorithms of 3D computer graphics. Topics include: an overview of graphics hardware, graphics systems and APIs, object modelling, transformations, camera models and viewing, visibility, illumination and reflectance models, texture mapping and an introduction to advanced rendering techniques such as ray tracing. Optional topics include an introduction to animation, visualisation, or real-time rendering.
Prerequisites: General prerequisites, EECS 2031 3.0, MATH 1025 3.0

Learning Outcomes

After successful completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:

Course Evaluation

Work Date (%)
A1 Sept 30 3
A2 Oct 21 9
Midterm Oct 28 25
A3 Nov 20 9
A4 Dec 4 9
Exam Mon Dec 14, 9 am 45

Reference Material