package test5; import java.util.List; public class Test5E { /** * Returns the maximum of the digits of the given string. * * @param digits a string consisting of only digits. * @pre. digits.length() > 0 && digits consists of only digits. * @return the maximum of the digits of the given string. */ public static int max(String digits) { } /** * Returns the length of the concatenation of the strings of the given list. * For example, for the list ["this", "is", "the", "last", "test"] the * length is 17. * * @param sentence a list of strings. * @pre. sentence != null * @return the length of the concatenation of the strings of the given list. */ public static int length(List sentence) { return Test5E.length(sentence, 0); // do NOT change this method } /** * Returns the length of the concatenation of the strings of the * sub list of the given list starting at the given begin index. * For example, for the list ["this", "is", "the", "last", "test"] * and the begin index 2, the length is 11. * * @param sentence a list of strings. * @pre. sentence != null * @param begin the begin index of the sub list * @pre. begin >= 0 && begin <= list.size() * @return he length of the concatenation of the strings of the * sub list of the given list starting at the given begin index. */ public static int length(List sentence, int begin) { } }