package test5; import java.util.List; public class Test5B { /** * Returns the conversion of the given string by replacing each * 0 (zero) with O (capital o) and each 1 with I. * * @param binary a string of 0s and 1s * @pre. binary only consists of 0s and 1s * @return the conversion of the given string by replacing each * 0 (zero) with O (capital o) and each 1 with I. */ public static String convert(String binary) { } /** * Returns the string consisting of the characters of the given list. * * @param letters a list of characters * @pre. letters != null * @return the string consisting of the characters of the given list. */ public static String concat(List letters) { return Test5B.concat(letters, 0); // do NOT change this method } /** * Returns the string consisting of the characters of the sub list * of the given list, beginning at the given index. * * @param letters a list of characters * @pre. list != null * @param begin the begin index of the sub list * @pre. begin >= 0 && begin <= list.size() * @return the string consisting of the characters of the sub list * of the given list, beginning at the given index. */ public static String concat(List letters, int begin) { } }