EECS1030 Week Homework



Solutions can be found here

Short Problems

  1. Implement a recursive method with signature

    int sum(int n)

    that computes the sum of the integers 1, 2, ..., n.
  2. Implement a recursive method with signature

    long factorial(int n)

    that computes the factorial of n, n! = 1 * 2 * ... * n.
  3. Implement a recursive method with signature

    boolean isPrime(int x, int divisor)

    that determines if the positive integer x is a prime number. Note that x is not prime if x % divisor == 0 when divsior is not equal to 1 or x. You may assume that the client invokes this method starting with a divisor of 2
  4. Implement a recursive method with signature

    String reverse(String s)

    that returns the string equal to the characters in s in reverse order. For example, reverse("banana") returns "ananab".
  5. Implement a recursive method with signature

    String everySecondChar(String s, int idx)

    that returns the string formed by concatenating every second character in s starting from index idx. For example, everySecondChar("banana", 0) returns "bnn", and everySecondChar("banana", 1) returns "aaa"

Moderate Problems

  1. Implement a recursive method with signature

    int sumEven(List<Integer> t)

    that computes the sum of the even integers in the list t.
  2. Implement a recursive method with signature

    List<Integer> allEven(List<Integer> t)

    that returns a list of the even integers in the list t.
  3. Implement a recursive method with signature

    String everySecond(List<String> t, int idx)

    that returns the string formed by concatenating every second string in t starting from index idx. For example, suppose that:

    t is the list ["a", "b", "c", "1", "2", "3"]

    then everySecond(t, 0) returns "ac2",
    everySecond(t, 1) returns "b13", and
    everySecond(t, 6) returns "".