import java.util.Random; /** * A class that represents a fair die having at least * two faces. The number of faces can be set at construction * but are fixed thereafter. The faces are numbered starting * from 1 in increments of 1 for * each additional face. * * @author CSE1030_F13_14 * */ public class Die implements Comparable { private static Random R = new Random(); private final int faces; private int value; private Random rng; /** * Create a six sided die and sets its face value to a random * value between 1 and 6, inclusive. */ public Die() { this(6, new Random(R.nextLong())); } /** * Create a die with the specified number of faces and sets its * face value to a random value between 1 and * faces, inclusive. * * The number of faces must be greater than or equal to 2. * * @param faces The number of faces. * @pre. faces >= 2 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if faces < 2. */ public Die(int faces) { this(faces, new Random(R.nextLong())); } /** * Create a die with the specified number of faces and sets its * face value to a specified value. * * @param faces The number of faces. * @param value The initial face value. * @pre. 0 > value && value <= faces * @throws IllegalArgumentException if faces < 2 or * (value < 1 || value > faces) */ public Die(int faces, int value) { this(faces, new Random(R.nextLong())); if (value < 1 || value > faces) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Initial value " + value + " is not compatible with the number of faces " + faces); } this.value = value; } /** * Create a die that has the same number of faces and same value * as another die. * *

The created die is independent of the copied die; i.e., rolling * the copied die will produce a different sequence of rolls than * rolling the original die. * * @param d the die to copy */ public Die(Die d) { this(d.getFaces(), d.getValue()); } /** * Create a die with the specified number of faces and a specified * random number generator, and sets its face value to a random * value between 1 and faces, inclusive. * * The number of faces must be greater than or equal to 2. * * * @param faces * @param rng * @pre. faces >= 2 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if faces < 2 */ public Die(int faces, Random rng) { if (faces < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of faces is less than 2."); } if (rng == null) { rng = new Random(R.nextLong()); } this.faces = faces; this.rng = rng; this.roll(); } /** * Get the current face value of the die. * * @return The current face value of the die. */ public int getValue() { return this.value; } /** * Set the current face value of the die. * * @pre. value must be between 1 and number of faces */ void setValue(int value) { if (value < 1 || value > this.faces) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value : " + value + ", faces : " + this.faces); } this.value = value; } /** * Get the number of faces of the die. * * @return The number of faces of the die. */ public int getFaces() { return this.faces; } /** * Roll the die to a new random face value. */ public void roll() { this.value = this.rng.nextInt(this.faces) + 1; if (this.faces == 8) { if (this.value == 6) { int reroll = this.rng.nextInt(100); if (reroll > 90) { this.value = this.rng.nextInt(this.faces) + 1; } } } } /** * Compares two dice by their face value. * * The result is negative if this Die has a current * face value less than the argument die. The result is positive * if this Die has a current face value greater than * the argument die. The result is zero if both dice have the same * current face value. * * @param other the Die to be compared. */ @Override public int compareTo(Die other) { return this.value - other.value; } /** * Returns a string representation of this die, which includes * the number of faces and the current face value. * * @return A string representation of this die. */ @Override public String toString() { return "Die [faces = " + faces + ", value = " + value + "]"; } /** * Returns a hash code for this object. * * The hash code is computed using the number of faces and the * current face value. * * @return a hash code value for this object. */ @Override public int hashCode() { final int PRIME = 31; int result = 1; result = PRIME * result + this.faces; result = PRIME * result + this.value; return result; } /** * Compares two dice for equality. * * Two dice are equal if their current face values are equal. * * @param obj the object to compare with. * @return true if the face values are the same; * false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof Die)) { return false; } Die other = (Die) obj; if (this.value != other.value) { return false; } return true; } }