CSE 1030 :: Lab 5

The due date for this lab is November 18.

In this lab, you will deal with GUI.

You are given this partially written GUI application. The application displays two buttons and two text labels. The text labels count the number of times the respective button was pressed.

Your job is to fill in the blanks in the constructor and the actionPerformed() method. READ THE WHOLE CLASS BEFORE STARTING, as the places to make changes are clearly marked. You shouldn't make changes outside of the indicated spaces. Note that this Java class contains its own main() method, so there is no need to write a separate client.

If you did it right, you should see the following (in this example, from MacOS, neither button has been clicked yet):

Submit the java files, using the submit command, as follows:

$ submit 1030 lab5 Lab5.java
(remembering that your class is probably in workspace/lab5/src/), or using the submit web app.

Submissions will be graded automatically on the following grading scheme: