CSE 1030 Lab 4

UPDATE October 9: Minor changes to the API for clarification.

The due date for this lab is Tuesday, October 21.

Your task is to create a composition: of two classes: Date, which keeps track of dates, and Person, which is similar to the class you created in Lab 2. However, in this lab, your Person class will include a Date to keep track of the person's date of birth.

Date is in a composition with Person. Therefore, you must protect against privacy leaks whenever the Date is passed in or out of the Person.

Here is the API. Implement both classes.

Submit the java files, using the submit command, as follows:

$ submit 1030 lab4 Date.java Person.java
(remembering that your class is probably in workspace/lab4/src/), or using the submit web app.

Submissions will be graded automatically on the following grading scheme: