Computer Science
and Engineering

CSE 2001

Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Course director: Zbigniew Stachniak

The Theory of Computation is one of the core disciplines defining modern computer science and applies to all aspects of computing from theoretical and philosophical considerations to practical applicability. The discipline offers the language to formalize, analyze, and implement computational problems as well as formal methods for such an analysis. This course is the first introductory course in the theory of computing (it is continued as CSE4111). It's focus is on the basic concepts of formal grammars, languages, and models of computers.

Michael Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation, PWS Publishing Company.

Course Directory:

All course related information (e.g. lecture notes, assignments, sample tests, etc.) can be found in

Course Work:

For information on assignments, midterm and final tests as well as their deadlines follow this link.

Questions: If you have any questions, send an email to the course director